Wednesday, October 8, 2008

America's Current Financial Crisis

Okay, first of all if you have not watched the fox news special report on who caused the financial crisis then please go watch it now. It tells you who caused it, and if you know where to look you can find that the information in the report is accurate.
Here are links to the video(6 sections):
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

It's roughly an hour long video all together, but worth watching. They were able to link Obama to Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae, personally. We don't need to have someone who helped cause this mess in office.

Obama is also involved with the orginization ACORN, here is the story on that:
Planting Seeds of Disaster. It's written by Stanley Kurtz, here is his bio.

I can't understand why liberal, conservative, democrat, and republicans alike can let their hate blind them so much that they can't just look at the facts, accept them for what they are, and work together to keep this nation clean and fair for the people. It's not about the government, the government is far too big now it needs to shrink. Having Obama in office will not do that. He wants to make it bigger. He wants the American people to trust the government and have the government take care of them. The people shouldn't want that. But alot of them do, because they don't want responsibility anymore. I do not understand that at all. I was raised to take responsibilty for my actions, not pawn them off on someone else. I don't like the way all this is going at all.

I'm posting this blog because more people need to realize that this man running for office is not the man for the job. He will hurt the country more than help it. He is a radical, he is against the military, he is against the war, he's voted countless times against funding our troops, he wants to raise taxes while we're in a crisis(that worked so lovely back in the great depression didn't it), and he wants the government to control everything. It's just not a good idea.

Now I don't hate Obama, I just think he is a bad choice for the office.
And all the facts put him right in the middle of this crisis cause. He was there when the deals went down and he was against McCain when he tried to pass a bill to monitor the dealings of Fanny and Freddie.
Pro government = a very bad choice. It needs to shrink, not grow. We don't need to be a socialist or a communist country.


Anonymous said...

We do need a Communist country! Just joking...(I think). My best old friend lives in your town. Moved there in 2003. I've "Never been to Spain" (or Phoenix)....

Wendy said...

haha Yeah it is like Mexico here, I hope it changes soon. I'm from Cali but was very little when we moved here. So I can't imagine living anywhere else, since I've been here all my adult life..

Anonymous said...

He lives on Maricopa, has a nice family, and is a conservative...why are we friends?

Wendy said...

What do you mean why are we friends? o.O;

Anonymous said...

Well, we are so different, that's all.

Wendy said...

hmm...but I didn't know we were friends tho. xD

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Wendy, I meant my friend who moved to Phoenix (misunderstanding). You're a nice person.

Wendy said...

Oh okay. lol
Gotcha, and thanks! ^^