Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm Voting Democrat Because...I Have No Brain!

I forward I just recieved in my email:

"I'm voting Democrat because English has no place
being the official
language in America.

I'm voting Democrat because it's better to
turn corn into fuel than
it is to eat.

I'm voting Democrat because I'd rather pay $4
for a gallon of gas
than allow drilling for oil off the coasts of America.

I'm voting Democrat because I think the government
will do a better
job of spending my money than I could.

I'm voting Democrat because when we pull out of
Afghanistan and
Iraq, I know the Islamic terrorists will stop trying
to kill us
because they'll think we're a good and decent

I'm voting Democrat because I believe people who
can't tell us if
it will rain in two or three days, can now tell us the
polar ice
caps will disappear in ten years if I don't start
riding a bicycle,
build a windmill or inflate my tires to proper levels.

I'm voting Democrat because it's alright to
kill millions of babies
as long as we keep violent, convicted murderers on
death row alive.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe businesses
in America should
not be allowed to make profi
ts. Businesses should just
break even
and give the rest to the government so politicians and
can redistribute the money the way they think is fair
and just.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe guns, and
not the people
misusing them, are the cause of crimes and killings.

I'm voting Democrat because when someone with a
weapon threatens my
family or me, I know the government can respond faster
through a
call to 911 than I can with a gun in my hand.

I'm voting Democrat because oil companies' 5%
profit on a gallon of
gas is obscene, but government tax of 18% on the same
gallon of gas
is just fine.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe three or
four elitist
liberals in black robes should rewrite the
Constitution every few
months to suit some fringe element that could never
get their
agenda past voters.

I'm voting Democrat because illegal aliens are not
criminals, are
not sucking up resources through government aid,
hospital services,
education, or social services, but are just people
trying to make a
better life by coming to America illeg
ally. We
can't blame them for
that, can we?

I'm voting Democrat because now I can marry
whatever I want, so
I've decided to marry my horse."

Now, in case y'all can't tell, most of these are our dearly beloved, and so adoring Presidential canidate, Barack Obama. *cough**cough*

Yeah, anyway. This is a sarcastic post in case you can't tell. Why would ANYONE vote for a guy that wants what most of this email tells about. I'll explain it for the weak minded.

I'm voting Democrat because English has no place
the official
age in America."
Okay, this one actually peeves me off, because I was born and raised in America, NOT Mexico.
We shouldn't have both languages on employment applications, we aren't even supposed to HIRE illegals. And yes folks, if a person can't speak english then chances are they are an illegal. Wanna know why? BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO RECIEVE THE PLEDGE TO BECOME AN AMERICAN CITIZEN!

So in conclusion to this, english should be the ONLY offical language of America. Not spanish.
I have no problem with people speaking other languages, it's their right to do that of course. But they MUST be able to speak english as well. Because english should be the ONLY official language of America.
You should have to be able to speak it to get a job, a drivers license, and everything else. Wanna speak spanish at home? Fine. Work? Fine. School? Fine. But if you can't speak both then you really have no business being here, so get out.
Yeah that sounds harsh and mean, but y'know what? Fuck off. I'm sick and tired of having to deal with people who can't een fucking READ their own language. Even when we have it both languages it doesn't help. And this is AMERICA, english has and awlays should be the primary and only official language to speak and write.

I'm voting Democrat because I'd rather pay $4
for a gallo
n of gas
than allow
drilling for oil off the coasts of America."

Yeah...I don't know about the rest of you reading this, but this idea is just, oh I dunno, STUPID?!
Gas prices are finally going down(where I live at least), and they will continue to decrease if we drill within our territories, not in the middle east or elsewhere. That is just common sense.
Yeah, alternative fuel will be nicer for the enviroment, but y'know we aren't really killing anything except ourselves by using the fuel we se right now. Plants love carbon dyoxide. lol It's what we breath out and they breath out oxygen. Unless you didn't know that, then thank the public school system.

I'm not for paying $4 a gal for gas, are you?

I'm voting Democrat because I think the government
will do a better
job of spending my money than I could.

Now you all know this is crazy. Why would you work your butt off for your money then end up paying higher taxes just to let the government spend it on whatever for you. Or just giving it to them. Either/or.
I like spending my money on stupid shit I happen to enjoy, I worked for it, I'm gonna spend it. What say you?

I'm voting Democrat because when we pull out of
Afghanistan and
Iraq, I know the Islamic terrorists will stop trying
to kill us
because they'll think we're a good and decent

Now if you believe this, you need to be shot. Okay? Okay!
Because the terrorist already want to kill us, they attacked us for gods sake! You honestly think that pulling out wil make them happy and they won't chase us? Obama, you are an idiot if you believe that yourself AND expect any of the American citizens(with a brain) to believe that as well.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe people who
can't tell us if
it will rain in two or three days, can now tell us the
polar ice
caps will disappear in ten years if I don't start
riding a bicycle,
build a windmill or inflate my tires to proper levels."

How many times have they said the world is going to end? And how long have they been saying that the polar ice caps are melting? They look pretty high to me. When they say something is going to happen for so long and it has yet to happen, something is wrong there. Even moreso if you blindly believe it.

I'm voting Democrat because it's alright to
kill millions of babies
as long as we keep violent, convicted murderers on
death row alive."

Now it starts getting good.
You all remember Obama's speech, and how he is for obortion. Every underage girl should have one, he was so appauled by Palin's daughter having a teenage pregnancy. And he doesn't care when you have it, so technically he is all for having it like a month prior to the birth. Isn't that considered murder?
17 year olds and even 16 year olds are old enough to make decisions and live with the mistakes. If they want an obortion then they can make that choice within the first trimester. If not, then they can put the baby up for adoption.
The criminals on death row should be put to death, they are just eating up our tax dollars anyway. And I don't believe murders, and rapist can be reformed. Sorry.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe businesses
in America should
not be allowed to make profi
ts. Businesses should just
break even
and give the rest to the government so politicians and
can redistribute the money the way they think is fair
and just."

This would be where Obama's "share the wealth" slogan comes in at.
All businesses should share their profits with everyone else, even if they don't even work for it, they should get a cut of your hard earned profit. Nothing wrong with that right? WRONG.
I don't own my own business, but my tax dollars go to fund welfare, same as everyone else who works and pays taxes. People on welfare that don't work and live off of the system are total scum. My parents are on welfare, yes, but they barely get enough of whatever the government wants to give them. I believe that it's because the illegals eat it up. But that's just my opinion.
Welfare and the system are nice, but only when you need it. You shouldn't be living off it. Get a fucking job.
We shouldn't be sharing the wealth because we, the members of the working force, worked hard for our cut, why should we have to or want to share it with others who probably didn't even work half has hard as us to make it. Fuck that Obama.

I'm voting Democrat because I believe guns, and
not the people
misusing them, are the cause of crimes and killings."

Yeah, this is just stupid. Any person with half a brain cell would know that guns don't kill people, people kill people. I'm so sure that a gun is gonna grow legs and start running around shooting people. Get real.
Gun control is stupid, it is our right to bear arms and that shouldn't be taken away by any political head or party. But that's what democrats are about. When you take the defense away from the people and make them rely on the police and the government to protect them, they usually end up dead. Have you ever had to call 911 before? It takes them about 15 minutes to get to your place. How long does it take to kill someone? Less then 30 seconds. Do the math.

I'm voting Democrat because illegal aliens are not
criminals, are
not sucking up resources through government aid,
hospital services,
education, or social services, but are just people
trying to make a
better life by coming to America illeg
ally. We
can't blame them for
that, can we?"

Okay, I'm gonna sound really racist here but I assure you I am far from being racist. Most of my friends are maxican, but they are american citizens. Not illegals. You can't be racist against illegals, that's just a stupid concept all together. lol

Now, if you live on the border, and have run into a hard time and have tried to get assistance from the system, you will know that you are usually denied. Because the illegals that come into our country with made up/stolen SS#'s know how to play the system and get the foodstamps, the WiC, and the cash assistance.

I work in a grocery store in Arizona. I see all types of people. And most of them are on welfare. And yes, most of them are mexican and don't speak english. That means they are illegal(refer above for my explaination on identifying an illegal). Wanna know roughly how much they get in foodstamps? Between $400 - $5000(yes I actually saw one for that much, and that was AFTER she paid for groceries)
My parents, who are white, get $220 a month, because they "make too much money". Apparently if you make over $500 a month in the state of Arizona you can't get foodstamps. might be able to pay rent for a 2 bedroom apartment with $500 a month.

I personally think that's fucked up. The system needs an overhaul, and fast!
The minimum you can make should be raised, because most people who get on foodstamps have no intention on working and/or are baby factories. Which they should be shot for being a failure. I hate women who only know how to spread their legs and reproduce. That's just sickening, we faught for equal rights so we could work, vote, and do something better than just spread our legs. You can even make money doing that, so get yourself fixed and become a whore if you like spreading them so much. Whore.

Anyway. I broke it down for you.
And we already know that Obama wants the people to trust the government and let them take care of the people. Strip them of their responsibilities and have the governmen handle everything. Do any of you reading this honestly want that? Do you want to be on the system and rely on the government for your food and shelter for your whole lives? Because people who live on welfare wouldn't be able to survive without it. So in turn the government controls them.

My parents don't even control me, do you think I want the government to do what my parents can't? I don't think so. And that is the reason for this blog. I'm sure that alot of you don't like the truth, but it's almost election day, and if Obama gets in office he will do all of this.

He will take away our gun rights.
He will most likely change the constitution to fit his needs(it can be done)
He will pull out of Iraq and Afganistan and we will be attacked again.
He will make it a law to ban all teenage pregnacy.
He will cut millitary spending, making our millitary weak.
He will raise the taxes, making us all pay higher prices for everything.

Is this what you want for America?
Because I sure as hell don't.


Anonymous said...

Stop wavering, stop sitting on the fence, leave the middle ground, and just tell us what you REALLY think, okay?.....

Wendy said... already doing that?

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to bother typing a long rebuttal to this. You've several times expressed the idea that if I don't like your opinion I should just shut up, so I'll refrain from that. I will be using this as fodder for a political post of my own over at LJ if you're really interested.

The only thing I'm going to say, constructively, is that if you want people to take you seriously it helps to spell something like "abortion" correctly.